Eats & Treats: A 7-Day Challenge

My 7-Day Challenge: Eats n’ Treats is here, and I’m so excited to share it with you! 

What’s it all about? Great question! Just like our 21-day challenge, this 7-day adventure focuses on routine, habits, and those little snacks we all crave and need to keep us sustained.  We’ll be exploring good versus not-so-good habits when it comes to snacking and offering up some delicious, easy treats to include in your daily routine.

Looking back on my busiest days, juggling crazy schedules, I often found myself grabbing whatever snacks were at hand—usually the processed, super sweet stuff. But experience has taught me that the right snack can provide the perfect energy boost and tick off a few nutrition boxes at the same time. 💪

You don’t have to give up your cheeky sweet treats entirely – just think about making some small, easy changes to your snack choices. If I can do it, so can you! Let’s reprogram our snack habits and enjoy some tasty, healthy options together. Plus you can join our growing 21DC Facebook community for support along the way.

Scroll down and sign up now!

Ready for Day 1? See you there, beautiful people.

Craig x

Download your FREE sneak peek now.