Craig’s 21-Day Challenge: Start any time!

Makeover shows are all the rage, aren’t they?  On TV, streaming platforms, on YouTube… anything from doing up a cottage, renovating an apartment block, even a marvellous motel makeover. But what about a total, doable, body, mind and spirit make-over?

Join Craig for 21 days & discover how to gently recalibrate. How to positively push that mental reset button. Craig will be guiding you through a program that you won’t want to miss. And you know what? So often in life, it’s the simple things, those little things, that make a big difference.

And we should mention, too, that Craig’s 21-day challenge is not a ‘hardcore’, SAS-inspired, body-busting fitness program! Again, it’s the little things that can make a big difference & that’s exactly how we approach the physical activity elements of Craig’s 21-day challenge.

Now, the good news is there are little things we can do every day to help us manage!

Welcome to Craig’s 21-Day Challenge.